The state of our world

With COVID and our children, we have done a poor job of focusing on anything external to the home.  What that has created is a blissfulness among the chaos which has shielded us from the reality of our situation.  Myhre syndrome is bleak.  Anything that is degenerative, with no cure, is bleak.  We have enjoyed Sofia, Luca, Roman and Mila as much as we can sheltering [in place] the world from them.  Last week we reemerged Mila, bringing her to a Doctors appointment with the ENT.   We were immediately reminded of how much Mila was afraid of MD visits.  Who could blame her.  They checked her ears for infection and her hearing for loss.  She kicked and screamed only to relent to the doctors probing of her tiny ear canal.  By the end of the visit a follow up was scheduled and the mention of hearing aids brought our reality home.  The degenerative nature of her disease has stricken Mila's hearing.  She will require assistance to hear in the near future.  We knew it was coming, we expected it.  In COVID we tried to forget.

I personally fear the day Mila will be stricken with something acute and irreversible.  An event that sucks the tempered health from her body looms.  However, recently I have feared something more, this world and all our futures.   I am sorry to use this forum to speak my mind but I feel this goes hand in hand with the trials we face.   Like Myhre Syndrome, this world seems irreversibly bleak.  God is not surprised by this and neither should we be.  We reap what we sow.

I was having a hard time sympathizing with the emotions of some in our country so I read "Letter's from a Birmingham Jail," by Dr. Martin Luther King.  What was clear to me by the end of the letter was, first, how much the world needs one voice louder than the rest who speaks with truth and love.  The second is that evil has gotten worse while the good in the world has been silenced.  The Church, God's people is silent.  Back in 1963, when things were not as bad as today, Dr. King agreed, saying, "But the judgment of God is upon the church as never before. If today's church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century."  That is why we are in the situation we are in.  I hate being another person using this verse to describe our predicament and the need of faithful intervention but it is so relevant. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, and My people [a]who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land." The faithful must rise.

The bible in Hebrews 12:1 says, "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."  I hope for the day, now more than ever, when the world is made new.  No more sickness for Mila. No more pandemics or political strife.  No more masks or protests.  While I see the world getting increasingly wicked, the voice of the Saints are trying to grow louder but resisted.  I can not read, listen or watch something on the crises around us without this glaring truth resonating through each of those outlets.  The problem remains that the devil is winning the day.  There is a reason he is called the Father of Lies (John 8:44).  So, if you, like me, are having trouble disseminating the truth about the world around us, remember the devil is having his day, but he will not win, in the end.  Jesus sits at His Father's right hand, victorious, waiting for that perfect moment to intervene.

In a blog post by Bob Russell entitled,  "Exorcise the Demon but Don’t Destroy the House."  Russell argues that as things are destroyed they have to be replaced with something.  The faith of God's people, the truth of His Word and loudest voice from His Spirit can repair what is destroyed.  Our creator is our hope.  So to bring this back to Mila and our family.  As much as we had been focusing on the internal peace at home what is more important now is speaking truth and love externally to the world.  What we need to share is about the only reason to get on our knees, our Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Philippians 2:1-11

I know everyone, those with a faith or not, have felt something shift in our world because of the current cultural climate.  Maybe you felt like yelling or just hiding. Maybe you are looking to the heavens in surrender.  Maybe you fear for our plight or want to stand up and fight for good.  Those same feeling is what C.S. Lewis refers to in "The Weight of Glory" as your conscience.  There is something bigger than yourself or culture, movement or struggle encouraging us to act. So if your conscience is yearning to do something, I employ you to pray!  While you are at it please pray for Mila.  

If you want to know specifics please pray...
- for her safety when she is put under anesthesia next for an ABR to check the type of hearing loss (TBD on date)
- next steps in navigating her hearing loss and specific interventions
- for discernment on when to reintroduce much needed therapies and school programs.

In Love,

Justin, Michelle, Sofia, Luca, Roman and Miracle Mila



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